CD Rates

Lock in 4.05% APY* for 9 months.

Or consider 3.95% APY* for 12 months.

Mature man smiling on couch while looking out a window
Advance your savings with CD rates that elevate your earnings.

When you have money you can set aside for a certain period of time, consider the growth opportunities with Armed Forces Bank's CDs. Choose from various terms and rates, depending on your time frame, and grow your savings steadily with guaranteed returns. It's a much safer approach than the stock market, provided by a bank dedicated to helping military members and their families strengthen their savings.

Move toward rock-solid savings goals with these Certificate of Deposit features

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Certificate of Deposit Rates

Term Minimum Deposit Annual Percentage Yield1 Open Now
30 Day $500 1.00% Open
91 Day $500 1.05% Open
182 Day $500 1.10% Open
9 Month $500 4.05% Open
12 Month $500 3.95% Open
13 Month $500 3.75% Open
15 Month $500 3.51% Open
18 Month $500 2.52% Open
19 Month $500 2.52% Open
24 Month $500 2.52% Open
30 Month $500 2.27% Open
36 Month $500 2.27% Open
48 Month $500 2.27% Open
60 Month $500 2.27% Open

Make sure you maximize your savings with CD Accounts

There are penalties for withdrawing funds before the set term. The amount depends on the length of the account term.²

  • 7 - 91 Days: 60 days loss of interest
  • 92 - 182 Days: 182 days loss of interest
  • 183 - <60 Months: 1 year loss of interest
  • 60 Months: 2 years loss of interest

This account can be used to invest your IRA or ESA. Learn more about IRAs.
Verify your future savings with our Certificate of Deposit Financial Calculator. Learn how to optimize your savings plan through our CD Ladder Financial Calculator.  Scope out other ways to save through our many other Financial Calculators.

Interested in learning more about Certificates of Deposit? 

* Annual Percentage Yield
1 A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) shown is accurate as of . CD rates are subject to change at any time and are not guaranteed until CD is opened. Fees charged to the account could reduce earnings on the account.
2 New penalty would apply to new CDs/IRAs opened or renewed after September 1, 2015.
FDIC-insured up to the maximum allowed by law