Recruiter Resources

Our dedicated Recruit Department specializes in providing new military recruits with customized resources and guidance as they begin their military career. Our Recruit Department understands the needs of New Recruits. We bring years of experience, commitment, resourcefulness, and collaboration to our partnership to help make banking simpler for new recruits. 

Help new recruits kickstart their finances:

We're here to help.

Crash Course: Basic Banking

Basic Banking is a six-part email series and crash course in financial training. This program teaches recruits the essentials of banking and also helps them develop smart financial habits.

  • Topics include account management, preparing for basic training, improving credit, budgeting, access loans, and establishing savings.
  • Recruits will also receive personal calls from our Recruit Department and other helpful resources to help them kick off their military career and securely plan their finances.
Infographic displaying Armed Forces Bank recruit resources

Dedicated Recruit Department

Call Toll Free: (844) 72 SERVE
Fax: (816) 412-0055

Available Mon-Fri: 0800-1730 Central Time