No matter where you're located around the world we have options for you. Chat with us online or via the mobile app, anytime.
Calling from Outside of the United States
Client Care Center available for clients calling from out of country, Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 7:00 pm, Central Time.
Germany: 0800-181-3419
Korea On post: 00308-12-0268
Korea Off post: 00789-14-800-4176
Calling from within the United States
To contact Client Care, call 888-929-2265, Monday - Friday, from 8:00 am - 7:00 pm, Central Time.
Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Armed Forces Bank accepts Telecommunications Relay Services calls during regular operating hours, including TTY Relay Service (711 calls) and Video Relay Service. In order to protect your identity and your accounts from fraud, we simply require an authorization form that tells us your account(s) are eligible for relay calls. Click here for the form and submit to us via secured message to place on your account.
Message and data rates charged by your mobile phone carrier may apply.
Bank Routing Number
Bank Routing Number: 101108319
Bank by Mail
General Mail PO Box PO Box 26458 Kansas City, MO 64196
Deposit Only Mailbox PO Box 26744 Kansas City, MO 64196
Chat with Us
You can login to secure digital banking to message us. Chat is also available on our website. Look for the chat bubble in the lower right corner of the website pages and meet Mili! She's ready to help!