For Service Members on Active Duty, you may need:
- Statement of Service signed and dated by the Commanding Officer on official letterhead.
- The Statement of Service must include
- Service member's name
- Date of birth
- Social Security Number (SSN) or Service Number
- Enlistment date
- Contain the phrase "No Time Lost" (if applicable), or list any "Time Lost”
For Discharged Veterans (Regular Military), you may need:
- Certificate of Release or Discharge From Active Duty (DD Form 214, Member Copy 4)
- If you need to obtain a DD Form 214 by postal mail, write to:
National Personnel Records Center
Military Personnel Records
1 Archives Drive
St. Louis, MO 63138-1002
- To obtain the DD Form 214 form online go to:
For current Reserve or National Guard members, you may need:
- Statement of Service signed and dated by your Commanding Officer on official letterhead.
- The Statement of Service must include:
- Veteran's full name.
- Social Security Number (SSN).
- Entry date for your Reserve or National Guard duty.
- Note: The statement must clearly indicate that you are an "active" reservist and not in an "inactive" status.
- Point Summary Statement.
For Discharged Reserve or National Guard Members
You may need documentation showing at least six years of participation and evidence you were discharged honorably. The following chart provides information on how to obtain the necessary information based on your branch of service.
Branch |
Type of form |
Phone |
Air Force Reserve |
Record of Service AF 526, Point Summary Sheet |
(800) 525-0102 |
Air National Guard |
NGB Form 22, Report of Separation & Record of Service |
(800) 525-0102 |
Army Reserve |
DARP Fm 2 49-2E or ARPC Fm 606, Chronological Statement of Retirement Points |
(888) 276-9472 |
Army National Guard |
NGB Form 22, Report of Separation & Record of Service |
(888) 276-9472 |
Navy Reserve |
NRPC 1070-124, Annual Retirement Point Record |
(866) 827-5672 |
USMC Reserve |
NAVMC 798, Reserve Retirement Credit Report |
(800) 268-3710 |
Coast Guard Reserve |
CG 4175, USCG Reserve Retirement Points Statement |
(866) 735-3897 |