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Honoring Military Spouses for Military Spouse Appreciation Day

a military couple walks down a beach
Each year, Military Appreciation Month is celebrated in May. And you may remember that Month of the Military Child is celebrated each year in April. But as we acknowledge the sacrifices of military service members -- and their children -- it’s also important that we take a day to appreciate the military spouses who stand by their partners in good times and bad.

Each year, Military Appreciation Month is celebrated in May. And you may remember that Month of the Military Child is celebrated each year in April. But as we acknowledge the sacrifices of military service members -- and their children -- it’s also important that we take a day to appreciate the military spouses who stand by their partners in good times and bad.

Learn more about Military Spouse Appreciation Day 2022.

About Military Spouse Appreciation Day 

Military Spouse Appreciation Day is recognized each year on the Friday before Mother’s Day. This year, Military Spouse Appreciation Day is Friday, May 6. 

The history of Military Spouse Appreciation Day goes back to the year 1984 when President Ronald Reagan was in office. This was the first year that Military Spouse Appreciation Day was formally recognized. Since then, the sitting U.S. president has traditionally proclaimed the special day, and oftentimes, celebrations are held on bases and military communities around the country and the world.

“There is another group which deserves special thanks—the wives of our servicemen, wives who take care of the families and raise the children while their husbands are at sea or stationed far away, and wives who have left our shores to be in a faraway land with their husbands … Their contribution is critical … The understanding and encouragement they give our servicemen is something we must all be grateful for.” — Ronald Reagan

Whether they’re military husbands or wives, we certainly honor and appreciate all military spouses — every day of the year.

The Life of a U.S. Military Spouse 

With Military Spouse Appreciation Day being held near Mother’s Day, it may seem safe to assume it’s because military spouses are often mothers. However, not all military spouses are female -- there are many military husbands in addition to military wives, and all military spouses’ contributions to their service member spouse, family, and country are valued and appreciated.

Here are some interesting statistics about U.S. military spouses.

According to the Department of Labor, the unpredictable lifestyle that comes with being a military spouse can make it more difficult to commit to a job or transfer their licenses across state or country lines. This can often be a concern or cause of stress within a military family.

We at Armed Forces Bank understand this, and that’s why we’re a founding partner of the Military Spouse Employment Partnership.

Supporting Our Nation’s Military Spouses 

The Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP) connects military spouses with hundreds of partner employers who have committed to recruit, hire, promote and retain military spouses. 

MSEP is part of DoD's broader Spouse Education and Career Opportunities (SECO) initiative, which seeks to strengthen the education and career opportunities of military spouses by providing:

  • Career exploration opportunities to help them understand their skills, interests, and goals;
  • Education and training to help them identify academic, licensing, or credentialing requirements that can help them reach their career goals;
  • Employment readiness assistance to optimize their self-marketing skills; and
  • Employment connections that help them find and maintain a rewarding career

While military spouses are well educated and highly qualified for a range of careers, they face a 24% unemployment rate and a 25% wage gap compared to their civilian counterparts. 

Seventy-seven percent of these spouses want or need work, yet frequent relocation is often a barrier to finding and maintaining a rewarding career. The inability of spouses to obtain and retain fulfilling employment as they relocate with the military compromises the quality of life of military families and the readiness of the military force. 

MSEP offers a targeted recruitment and employment solution, creates employment connections that provide agencies with direct access to military spouses seeking career opportunities and spouses with direct access to employers who are actively recruiting.

Honoring Military Spouses With the Military Spouse Crest 

Military spouses impress us all with their ability to conquer challenges and power through demanding circumstances. We wanted to share some information about the “Military Spouse Crest.” (© 2016 Noble Johnson)

The Military Spouse Crest captures, through symbolism, the strength, stability and patriotism that characterize time-honored traditions of selfless devotion.

Shape is that of a pyramid, the timeless symbol of enduring strength.

Background represents the flag of the Nation the spouse nobly serves through tireless effort and sacrifice. The single star remembers countless hours standing alone, a beacon for direction in turbulent times.

Major Image is that of a tree, the symbol of life, for that the spouse is to the military community. The trunk of the tree is sturdy but without roots, a consequence of nomadic life. The main body of the tree is five conjoined circles with symbols of spouses’ many contributions to community and family. 

From left to right they show the spouse: provides mobility and flexibility to a family on the move; fixes or mends everything from broken toys to broken hearts; is a teacher sharing knowledge and imparting values; heals and ministers, ensuring the physical and spiritual health of those in care. Finally, the spouse is the arbitrator who keeps peace and harmony at home.

Minor Images are of children nestled safely beneath the sheltering branches of the tree. The spouse provides the environment they need to grow healthy and strong.

Banner displays the words Stability and Strength, values the spouse personifies.

The Military Spouse Crest Lapel Pin is prominently worn upon chest or lapel on any occasion when the wearer wishes to show pride in being a Military Spouse.

Armed Forces Bank Is Your Family’s Military Bank 

Military service members, spouses, children, and families -- you consistently impress us with your service and sacrifice. We invite you to give us the chance to make a difference in your life when it comes to serving your unique banking needs.

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