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In honor of Military Appreciation Month, we asked associates at our Armed Forces Bank branches to share appreciation for the military service members in their lives. Here’s what they had to say.
“I appreciate my husband; he made the hard choice to join the military. He was the first in his family to join and the first one to own a home at our young age, all thanks to the military. All of the sacrifices he’s made do not go unnoticed by our family. He joined to give us a better life and to serve his country and for that I am forever thankful.”
-- Diana Correa Alanis
“In honor of National Military Appreciation Month, I would like to show my appreciation for my husband who is an active military member that has served almost 20 years! He has not only sacrificed to protect the United States, but he has also sacrificed his time with me and my sons. My husband has missed so many birthdays, anniversaries, wrestling matches, school events and holidays and has never complained. When he enlisted in the Army, he initially said this will be good for us; we will have stability for us and the boys. I don’t think my husband realized at the time what he would truly be sacrificing but I am blessed to see the man my husband has become!”
-- Angelica Trejo
“Because of your commitment to defend us and our nation, we have ongoing freedom. You deserve thanks every day for your service.”
-- Mihwa Foley
“I appreciate my husband who is Active-Duty Military with 23 years under his belt – he is the most hard working and dedicated person I know! He is principled, honest, leads by example, and will get the job done!”
-- Svetlana Kirkey
“I am very grateful for their (ret. spouse, sister and brother) for their selfless sacrifices and courage.”
--Moria Taulung
“I appreciate my father for serving in the Navy to provide for my family. Although he had to miss out on some moments when my brother and I were younger, we never struggled financially and were able to fully enjoy our childhood.”
-- Melissa Schumacher
“I appreciate everything my father, brother and husband did while serving in our US Army. From protecting our freedom and our allies, to raising me to have passion, to be resilient and always help others who need it. My father taught me to respect those who serve and give their lives for ours.”
-- Tiffany Burgess
“I have so many wonderful friends, beloved family members and of course my amazing husband to think about when it comes to service and sacrifice. To each of them I’m grateful for keeping watch when most don’t know it’s necessary. A special shout out to my husband for his never-ending dedication to our family especially when he is so far from us, and always making me smile especially when I feel like I can’t. You’re our hero, always.”
-- Ashley Bunow
“I would like to express my appreciation for my sister-in-law, retired SSG Lori Johnson. Lori served in the U S Army active duty and national guard for 29 years. As a soldier she sacrificed being with her family during deployment and training exercises. Missing birthdays, holidays and sporting events. Lori is dedicated to serving her country. She is very passionate about the care of her fellow veterans. Lori is currently employed by Veterans Benefits Administration working to ensure all veterans have the benefits they require.”
--Marian Scott
“I appreciate my military family members because they’re passionate about everything. They are respectful. They hold strong morals and values. I love their sense of humor. Everyone is treated like family.”
-- Lani Goldsmith
“As a veteran I can say serving was a great honor, but now my wife has taken up the torch and I am so proud of her. She is showing our kids not only that a woman can do anything, but the discipline and integrity she has learned is instilled in our kids today. I would like to thank her for all her sacrifice, bravery, and strength and thank her very much for her service to our country and family.”
-- Kirk Rodney
“I come from a military family; my dad served in the US Navy for 20 years. No matter where he was in the world, my dad always made sure to check in with us, which was not easy in the early nineties before cell phones were invented. Even if my dad couldn’t be there physically for most of my childhood, I never felt his absence. My mom always stressed how brave he was for joining the military and how hard he worked to keep us safe.”
-- Katrina Erickson
“Someone important and dear to me is my father, Joseph Glenn Calma. During his time with us, he would always light up the room with his exuberant attitude. He is the light of my life and will continue to serve as a staple in my everyday actions. I miss him in the music I hear and the days I get to experience new things without him. Thank you for your service, Dad!”
-- Antonette Calma
“I appreciate my uncle Army Sergeant Monroe “Bootsy” Walker because of history lessons and his passion for military service! The best thing I appreciate is his great friendship!”
--Erik Henley
“I would like to show appreciation to my husband who has been in the military for 18 years. Our family is so very thankful for the time that he has given to our country and to our family. He never ceases to amaze us on how dedicated he is to not only our family but to our country.”
-- Sabrina McMiller
“My husband currently serves active duty in the military. Our kids and I are so appreciative for his dedication to his fellow soldiers, and our country. He has served for the last 12 years and I am so honored to be the one to support and stand beside him as he serves this great nation.”
-- Whitleigh Miller
“I appreciate my active-duty spouse and all his efforts he has put forth for his country and family. He joined the Army to fulfill his purpose to protect those in need, serve his country, and make his father proud. I always appreciate him being a strong soldier and going through the thick and thin to get the job done.”
-- Katie Diaz
“I’m selecting my husband, Chris Foster! He has served 20 years in the Army and now is retired. He did 6 deployments during those years and I’m grateful he made it home every time. We don’t have any children but we have 2 dogs that he adores so much! I love him like no other. He has been the backbone for both our families and I appreciate everything he has done to keep us safe.”
-- Leisa Foster
“A member of the military I appreciate is my father. He retired 10 years ago when I was 18 years old, but he has taught me so much about respect, hard work, loyalty, and self-discipline. He Is the true definition of a hero. My dad is one of the strongest men I have ever met. physically and emotionally. I am so grateful that I was born into the military lifestyle because I still have so many friends from the many places we got to live and that is something I would have never had if my dad wasn’t in the Army.”
-- Michaela D Hoover
“The military member close to me is my father. He originally dreamed of being a professional baseball player and going to college. He wound up choosing the military as a career in order to be able to support his family. He went on multiple deployments, missed many birthdays and holidays, but all so he could make sure his family was taken care of.”
-- Heyden Strader
“I don’t have many military connections, but I do have my grandpa on my dad’s side. He was in the Navy but he retired before I was born. That meant that I got my grandpa and great stories all of my childhood! Even now as an adult I appreciate him more than words can explain, because he is always ready to help me and my family without us even asking. He has played a huge role in my life and I can’t thank him enough.”
-- Madi McGuire
“My uncle had a long career in the Marine Corps starting at the Naval Academy to retirement in San Diego. Throughout his career he served 3 tours overseas, furthered his education and raised a family. We are thankful for his dedication to his country, his fellow service members and local community all while remaining a devoted father and husband.”
-- Daughter of Cynthia Walsh
“Airmen Anthney has a great attitude, outstanding character, and is passionate in everything he does. I appreciate him along with all other service members who chose to use their talents to serve this country.”
-- Ashley Victoria
“I am so proud of my husband for dedicating twenty years of his life to serve in our air force. We met after he retired but I wish I had experienced that with him. Working at Luke AFB has given me a better understanding of his life during that time and the sacrifices he made. Every day I look around me and am happy to be surrounded by so many willing to serve.”
-- Sheri Field
“I appreciate my mom and dad who are/were both retired Air Force members. For one, they both have always been passionate about everything and always willing to give a hand. They weather holidays, birthdays and major milestones without their military loved ones. Throughout the years my dad has missed many of my birthdays due to being deployed but I appreciated his sacrifice so we can live free.”
-- Anjie Jackson
“A military member I appreciate is my husband. As someone who TDYs at least every month or every other month and is constantly busy, he is not an absent father or husband. He gives me a break when I need it/makes time for us, and he shows up for our kids jiu jitsu classes multiple days a week and soccer games. What I appreciate more than anything is the amount of effort my husband gives into our life at home and he understands how important it is to me and our family.”
-- Jenael Allen
“My special military person is my father, US Army Retired W3 Alfredo M Cruz. He is a War Veteran of Vietnam. If it wasn’t for the military, I would not be here, because my father was stationed in Giessen, Germany, at the same time my grandfather was stationed there. This is where my father met my mother and married her. My dad was Air Defense until he was an E7 and made the transition to Warrant Officer. My father did many tours in Germany with our family accompanying him. As children and teenagers, my dad made my sister and I very diverse in many cultures being abroad. We had the privilege of visiting many countries and seeing historic places that included Italy, France, Spain, and many cities in Germany. We met lifetime friends that live around the world that we always met up every few years when we moved. My dad also taught us to be strong, disciplined, to be leaders, to strive for success and to work hard. Above all else, he also taught us that family always comes first and to make the most of the time we have together. My father comes from very humble beginnings, and he wanted to teach us to appreciate all that we have. My dad would take enlisted housing to keep us grounded and humbled. In fact, my sister and I didn’t even know our father was a Warrant Officer -- we assumed he was enlisted. When I was in high school, I got my first job at Baskin Robbins, and I was so happy to receive my first paycheck. I had a list of my wants that I was going to buy. However, my father had his own list prepared: school clothes and school supplies. Guess what I bought? I am so very grateful to the military for giving me my own hero. My father.”
-- Elizabeth Montoya
“I appreciate my husband, he not only goes above and beyond at work, but he also goes above and beyond for my two sons and I. He works hard and is always determined to be the best at whatever he does.”
-- Charlene Hayes
“I appreciate my husband SFC Lorek. I am so grateful for all you do. Thank you for sacrificing and for your service.”
-- Ana Lorek
“It’s hard to pick just one as I have many family members who have served. From my great grandparents to my cousins and more. They not only fought for their family but for their country. The strength and courage to serve has garnered so much respect, admiration, and thankfulness. I am very proud to come from a family who has served!”
-- Kirstie Traynor
“I am grateful to those who serve for their personal sacrifice, commitment to protecting our country, and rights of those who can’t fend for themselves. I am especially thankful to my husband, who has been on active duty for the past 13 years. During this time, we moved all around the country and overseas, including him serving a tour in Iraq and Kuwait. I am beyond thankful for the opportunity of meeting so many amazing people along this journey.”
-- Ania Handy
“The first person that popped into my head is Col Charles F Williams Jr Ret. He stops in just to say hello and wish everyone a good day even if he’s not doing any banking. I’ve known him since I started working for the bank and he’s been with us since 1997. I have NEVER seen him in a bad mood or have bad words about anything or anyone, he always has a smile on his face and it’s contagious.”
-- Sandy Butler
“I appreciate my mom and dad, who are both retired Army. They both worked hard to make sure my sister and I had just about everything we could possibly want. They both enjoyed their work so much, they went right back to doing it as civilian contractors after they retired!”
-- Anastasia Lacuniak
“A military member I appreciate would be my little brother Nick Mendoza. Nick was always the quiet kid and always so shy around others but never when hanging out at home. We were all so surprised when he told us he was deciding to go into the military because of how shy and quiet he was. Nick just got back from Romania (along the southwest border of Ukraine) at the beginning of April, he was overseas for 9 months doing training and whatnot. He is currently stationed at Ft Campbell and lives off base with his wife and their dog and two cats. We are all extremely proud of Nick and the man he is today.”
-- Alex Mendoza
“I would like to do a shout-out to my late husband LTC. Max L Kline. I appreciate his service to this country during Vietnam, Desert Storm. And traveling to Europe and stateside military locations. We had lots of fun and made many friends during his time in the military.”
-- Anita Kline
“I am very proud of my affiliation with active and retired military through my years with the bank. My parents were farmers. This was my first real exposure to the military and their lives besides a few friends I met in school. I am so proud to ‘serve’ our clients. I thank God every day for our freedom and their continued sacrifices they make for all of us. I admire how they live by the words ‘grow where you are planted.’ I appreciate the friendships I have made by serving clients all over the world that I have never met in person. I have been so excited when clients walk in my office saying, ‘I just had to come by and meet you in person. You assisted us in buying our first car or home!’ Thank you for all you do and know you’re sacrifices are noted and appreciated.”
-- Tina Farr
“I do have to say that I had a great experience (22 years) in the military with my husband as we did a lot of traveling, that also included a total of 22 moves and 2 overseas. I appreciate his time in the service, and enjoyed many new friends we made.”
-- Tricia Doyle
“I appreciate one of my best friends, Libby, who is in the Air Force. She is stationed in Florida and has been on one deployment! She has been my best friend throughout high school. I am very thankful for everything she is doing to keep our country safe.”
-- Alexis Lasater
“I would like to appreciate my stepdad, Russel. He voluntarily served in Vietnam when he was 17. I appreciate his patriotism for voluntarily serving his country without being drafted.”
-- Brandy Kenrick
“I would like to appreciate my grandfather Boyd. My grandfather served 9 tours during WW2. I appreciate his integrity and willingness to keep serving.”
-- Urbina Tso
“The military member I appreciate is my husband. He retired from the Air Force after 21 years of service. It wasn’t always easy and he had to be gone quite a bit but he always made sure his family was taken care of and did what he had to do to serve his country. The pride he carried with him throughout his military career always amazed me and made me so proud to be a military spouse.”
-- Rae Transue
“In honor of military appreciation month, I would like to acknowledge my husband, sincere thanks for the big sacrifices you’ve made for our nation each and every day.”
-- Chanta Skinner
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